Source code for eqtools.afilereader

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This module contains the AFileReader class, a lightweight data
handler for a-file (time-history) datasets.

        Data-storage class for a-file data.  Reads
        data from ASCII a-file, storing as copy-safe object

import numpy as np
import re
import csv
import warnings

[docs]class AFileReader(object): """ Class to read ASCII a-file (time-history data storage) into lightweight, user-friendly data structure. A-files store data blocks of scalar time-history data for EFIT plasma equilibrium. Each parameter is read into a pseudo-private object attribute (marked by a leading underscore), followed by the standard EFIT variable names. initialize object, reading from file. Args: afile (String): file path to a-file Examples: Load a-file data located at `file_path`:: afr = eqtools.AFileReader(file_path) Recover a datapoint (for example, `shot`, stored as `afr._shot`), using copy-protected __getattribute__ method:: shot = afr.shot Assign a new attribute to afr -- note that this will raise an AttributeError if attempting to overwrite a previously-stored attribute:: afr.attribute = val """ def __init__(self, afile): self._afile = afile with open(afile,'r') as readfile: # skip delimiter, return as single string let regex handle splitting # Use csv.reader for StopIteration error handling. reader = csv.reader(readfile) # date header line line = next(reader)[0].split() self._date = line[1] # date a-file was created # shot header line line = next(reader)[0].split() self._shot = int(line[0]) # shot index # time index line line = next(reader)[0].split() self._time = float(line[0]) # time point in ms # header line line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('[\w.]+',line) self._jflag = int(line[1]) # error flag self._lflag = int(line[2]) # error flag self._limloc = line[3] # limiter location (string) self._mco2v = int(line[4]) # number of vertical CO2 laser chords self._mco2r = int(line[5]) # number of horizontal CO2 laser chords self._qmflag = line[6] # flag indicating fixed q0 for fit # read tsaisq(?), mag-axis R, bcentr, pasmat line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._tsaisq = float(line[0]) # chi-squared for equilibrium solution self._rcencm = float(line[1]) # nominal center (cm) - used for F=RB in vacuum self._bcentr = float(line[2]) # Btor at rcentr self._pasmat = float(line[3]) # measured plasma current # read cpasma, rout, zout, aout line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._cpasma = float(line[0]) # calculated plasma current self._rout = float(line[1]) # major radius of geometric center self._zout = float(line[2]) # Z of LCFS (constructed) self._aout = float(line[3]) # minor radius of LCFS # read eout, doutu, doutl, vout line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._eout = float(line[0]) # elongation of LCFS self._doutu = float(line[1]) # upper triangularity of LCFS self._doutl = float(line[2]) # lower triangularity of LCFS self._vout = float(line[3]) # volume of LCFS # read rcurrt, zcurrt, qsta, betat line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._rcurrt = float(line[0]) # current-averaged major radius self._zcurrt = float(line[1]) # current-averaged Z self._qsta = float(line[2]) # q* (GA definition) self._betat = float(line[3]) # toroidal beta (calculated) # read betap, ali, oleft, oright line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._betap = float(line[0]) # poloidal beta (calculated) self._ali = float(line[1]) # internal inductance self._oleft = float(line[2]) # inner gap self._oright = float(line[3]) # outer gaps # read otop, obott, qpsib, vertn line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._otop = float(line[0]) # top gap self._obott = float(line[1]) # bottom gap self._qpsib = float(line[2]) # q(psi) at 95% flux self._vertn = float(line[3]) # decay index at current centroid # read next mco2v values for rco2v, dco2v nrows = self._mco2v/4 if self._mco2v % 4 != 0: nrows += 1 self._rco2v = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: self._rco2v.append(float(val)) self._rco2v = np.array(self._rco2v) # chord length of vertical CO2 laser chords self._dco2v = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: self._dco2v.append(float(val)) self._dco2v = np.array(self._dco2v) # line-averaged density along vertical CO2 chords # read next mco2r values for rco2r, dco2r nrows = self._mco2r/4 if self._mco2r % 4 != 0: nrows += 1 self._rco2r = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: self._rco2r.append(float(val)) self._rco2r = np.array(self._rco2r) # chord length of horizontal CO2 chords self._dco2r = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: self._dco2r.append(float(val)) self._dco2r = np.array(self._dco2r) # line-averaged density along horizontal CO2 chords # read shearb, bpolav, s1, s2 line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._shearb = float(line[0]) # shear parameter at boundary self._bpolav = float(line[1]) # average poloidal field self._s1 = float(line[2]) # first Shafranov integral self._s2 = float(line[3]) # second Shafranov integral # read s3, qout, olefs, orighs line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._s3 = float(line[0]) # third Shafranov integral self._qout = float(line[1]) # q(psi) at LCFS self._olefs = float(line[2]) # inner gap to secondary separatrix self._orighs = float(line[3]) # outer gap to secondary separatrix # read otops, sibdry, areao, wplasm line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._otops = float(line[0]) # top gap to secondary separatrix self._sibdry = float(line[1]) # psi at boundary self._areao = float(line[2]) # area of LCFS self._wplasm = float(line[3]) # EFIT-calculated stored energy # read terror, elongm, qqmagx, cdflux line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._terror = float(line[0]) # convergence parameter - norm. change in flux at last iteration self._elongm = float(line[1]) # elongation at magnetic axis self._qqmagx = float(line[2]) # q(psi) at psi=0 (q0) self._cdflux = float(line[3]) # computed diamagnetic flux # read alpha, rttt, psiref, xndnt line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._alpha = float(line[0]) # Shafranov boundary line integral parameter self._rttt = float(line[1]) # Shafranov boundary line integral parameter self._psiref = float(line[2]) # reference flux (flux on loop #0) self._xndnt = float(line[3]) # indentation # read rseps[0], zseps[0], rseps[1], zseps[1] self._rseps = [0,0] # radial positions of upper,lower x-points self._zseps = [0,0] # Z positions of upper,lower x-points line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._rseps[0] = float(line[0]) self._zseps[0] = float(line[1]) self._rseps[1] = float(line[2]) self._zseps[1] = float(line[3]) # read sepexp, obots, btaxp, btaxv line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._sepexp = float(line[0]) # separatrix radial expansion self._obots = float(line[1]) # bottom gap to secondary separatrix self._btaxp = float(line[2]) # Btor on-axis = F(0)/rmaxis self._btaxv = float(line[3]) # vacuum Btor on-axis = F(1)/rmaxis # read aaq1, aaq2, aaq3, seplim line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._aaq1 = float(line[0]) # radius of q=1 surface self._aaq2 = float(line[1]) # radius of q=2 surface self._aaq3 = float(line[2]) # radius of q=3 surface self._seplim = float(line[3]) # minimum gap to limiter # read rmagx, zmagx, simagx, taumhd line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._rmagx = float(line[0]) # major radius of magnetic axis self._zmagx = float(line[1]) # Z of magnetic axis self._simagx = float(line[2]) # flux at magnetic axis self._taumhd = float(line[3]) # EFIT-calculated energy confinement time # read betapd, betatd, wplasmd, fluxx line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._betapd = float(line[0]) # diamagnetic-loop poloidal beta self._betatd = float(line[1]) # diamagnetic-loop toroidal beta self._wplasmd = float(line[2]) # diamagnetic-loop stored energy self._diamag = float(line[3])/1.e3 # diamagnetic flux # read vloopt, taudia, cmerci, tavem line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._vloopt = float(line[0]) # loop voltage self._taudia = float(line[1]) # energy confinement time from diamagnetic measurements self._qmerci = float(line[2]) # Mercier stability criterion on axial q(0), q(0) > QMERCI for stability self._tavem = float(line[3]) # time for averaging magnetic data # header line: read nsilop, magpri, nfcoil, nesum line = next(reader)[0].split() nsilop = int(line[0]) magpri = int(line[1]) nfcoil = int(line[2]) nesum = int(line[3]) # read csilop, cmpr2 # for god knows what reason, these are written as a single nsilop+magpri block. npts = nsilop+magpri nrows = npts/4 if npts % 4 != 0: nrows += 1 dat = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: dat.append(float(val)) self._csilop = np.array(dat[0:nsilop+1]) # calculated psi loop signals self._cmpr2 = np.array(dat[nsilop+1:]) # calculated Bpol coil signals # read ccbrsp nrows = nfcoil/4 if nfcoil % 4 != 0: nrows += 1 self._ccbrsp = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: self._ccbrsp.append(float(val)) self._ccbrsp = np.array(self._ccbrsp) # calculated F-coil currents # read eccurt nrows = nesum/4 if nesum % 4 != 0: nrows += 1 self._eccurt = [] for i in range(nrows): line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) for val in line: self._eccurt.append(float(val)) self._eccurt = np.array(self._eccurt) # calculated E-coil currents # read pbinj, rvsin, zvsin, rvsout line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._pbinj = float(line[0]) # injected power self._rvsin = float(line[1]) # R of inner strike point self._zvsin = float(line[2]) # Z of inner strike point self._rvsout = float(line[3]) # R of outer strike point # read zvsout, vsurfa, wpdot, wbdot line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._zvsout = float(line[0]) # Z of outer strike point self._vsurfa = float(line[1]) # surface voltage self._wpdot = float(line[2]) # time-derivative of plasma energy self._wbdot = float(line[3]) # time-derivative of magnetic energy # read slantu, slantl, zuperts, chipre line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._slantu = float(line[0]) # gap to upper outboard limiter self._slantl = float(line[1]) # gap to lower outboard limiter self._zuperts = float(line[2]) # intersection of LCFS and TS laser chord self._chipre = float(line[3]) # chi-squared of kinetic pressure data # read cjor95, pp95, ssep, yyy2 line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._cjor95 = float(line[0]) # flux-surface-averaged current density normalized to I/A at 95% flux self._pp95 = float(line[1]) # p-prime at 95% flux self._ssep = float(line[2]) # null position measurements (~1 are USN ,~-1 are LSN, ~0 are DN. Defaults to 40 for limited shapes) self._yyy2 = float(line[3]) # current moment y2 # read xnnc, cprof, oring, cjor0 line = next(reader)[0] line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._xnnc = float(line[0]) # vertical stability parameter self._cprof = float(line[1]) # profile flag for edge current profile (for consistency with g-file) self._oring = float(line[2]) # gap to inner ring coil self._cjor0 = float(line[3]) # flux-surface-averaged current density normalized to I/A at axis # this completes the old-style (pre-1997) a-file write. # further values written within error handler for legacy # support of older a-files. try: # read fexpan, qqmin, chigamt, ssi01 line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line # store previous line for next read - error handler will catch at empty read, last line retains footer line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._fexpan = float(line[0]) # flux expansion at x-point self._qqmin = float(line[1]) # minimum safety factor qmin self._chigamt = float(line[2]) # total chi-squared of MSE self._ssi01 = float(line[3]) # magnetic shear at 1% poloidal flux # read fexpvs, sepnose, ssi95, rqqmin line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._fexpvs = float(line[0]) # flux expansion at outer lower vessel strike point self._sepnose = float(line[1]) # radial distance between x-point and external field line at ZNOSE self._ssi95 = float(line[2]) # magnetic shear at 95% poloidal flux self._rqqmin = float(line[3]) # position of qmin (sqrt of normalized volume) # read cjor99, cj1ave, rmidin, rmidout line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._cjor99 = float(line[0]) # flux-surface averaged current density normalized to I/A at 99% flux self._cj1ave = float(line[1]) # flux-surface averaged in plasma outer 5% poloidal flux self._rmidin = float(line[2]) # inboard major radius at Z=0.0 (LCFS position) self._rmidout = float(line[3]) # outboard major radius at Z=0.0 (LCFS position) # read psurfa, peak, dminux, dminlx line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._psurfa = float(line[0]) # plasma boundary surface area in m^2 self._peak = float(line[1]) # peak to average plasma pressure self._dminux = float(line[2]) # distance between limiter and upper x-point self._dminlx = float(line[3]) # distance between limiter and lower x-point # read dolubaf, dolubafm, diludom, diludomm line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._dolubaf = float(line[0]) # distance from outer leg to upper baffle self._dolubafm = float(line[1]) # distance at outboard midplane between LCFS and flux surf. intersecting upper baffle self._diludom = float(line[2]) # distance from inner leg to upper dome self._diludomm = float(line[3]) # distance at inner midplane between LCFS and flux surf. intersecting upper dome # read ratsol, rvsiu, zvsiu, rvsid line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._ratsol = float(line[0]) # ratio of flux expansion at inner midplane vs outer midplane self._rvsiu = float(line[1]) # major radius of inner upper strikepoint self._zvsiu = float(line[2]) # Z of inner upper strikepoint self._rvsid = float(line[3]) # major radius of inner lower strikepoint # read zvsid, rvsou, zvsou, rvsod line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._zvsid = float(line[0]) # Z of inner lower strikepoint self._rvsou = float(line[1]) # major radius of outer upper strikepoint self._zvsou = float(line[2]) # Z of outer upper strike point self._rvsod = float(line[3]) # major radius of outer lower strike point # read zvsod, condno, dollbaf, dollbafm line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._zvsod = float(line[0]) # Z of outer lower strikepoiunt self._condno = float(line[1]) # condition number from least-squares fitting routine self._dollbaf = float(line[2]) # distance from outer leg to lower baffle self._dollbafm = float(line[3]) # distance from outer midplane LCFS to flux surf. intersecting lower baffle # read dilldom, dilldomm, dummy vars line = next(reader)[0] lastline = line line = re.findall('-?\d.\d*E[-+]\d*',line) self._dilldom = float(line[0]) # distance from inner leg to lower dome self._dilldomm = float(line[1]) # distance between inner midplane LCFS and surface intersecting lower dome # read end tag line line = next(reader)[0].split() self._efittype = line[-1] # tag for EFIT type ('MAG','KINETIC',etc) except: warnings.warn('Old-style a-file.' ' Some parameters are depreciated.', UserWarning) self._fexpan = None self._qqmin = None self._chigamt = None self._ssi01 = None self._fexpvs = None self._sepnose = None self._ssi95 = None self._rqqmin = None self._cjor99 = None self._cj1ave = None self._rmidin = None self._rmidout = None self._psurfa = None self._peak = None self._dminux = None self._dminlx = None self._dolubaf = None self._dolubafm = None self._diludom = None self._diludomm = None self._ratsol = None self._rvsiu = None self._zvsiu = None self._rvsid = None self._zvsid = None self._rvsou = None self._zvsou = None self._rvsod = None self._zvsod = None self._condno = None self._dollbaf = None self._dollbafm = None self._dilldom = None self._dilldomm = None self._efittype = lastline.split()[-1] def __str__(self): """overrides default `__str__` method with more useful output. """ return 'a-file data from '+self._afile def __getattribute__(self, name): """ Copy-safe attribute retrieval method overriding default `object.__getattribute__`. Tries to retrieve attribute as-written (first check for default object attributes). If that fails, looks for pseudo-private attributes, marked by preceding underscore, to retrieve data values. If this fails, raise AttributeError. Args: name (String): Name (without leading underscore for data variables) of attribute. Raises: AttributeError: if no attribute can be found. """ try: return super(AFileReader,self).__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: try: attr = super(AFileReader,self).__getattribute__('_'+name) return attr except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('No attribute "%s" found' % name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Copy-safe attribute setting method overriding default `object.__setattr__`. Raises error if object already has attribute `_{name}` for input name, as such an attribute would interfere with automatic property generation in :py:meth:`__getattribute__`. Args: name (String): Attribute name. Raises: AttributeError: if attempting to create attribute with protected pseudo-private name. """ if hasattr(self, '_'+name): raise AttributeError("AFileReader object already has data attribute" " '_%(n)s', creating attribute '%(n)s' will" " conflict with automatic property generation." % {'n': name}) else: super(AFileReader, self).__setattr__(name, value)