Source code for eqtools.filewriter

# This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Purpose License (GPL).
# Refer to
# This file is part of EqTools.
# EqTools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# EqTools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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import scipy 
import scipy.interpolate
import warnings
import time
import core
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import trispline

[docs]def gfile(obj, tin, nw=None, nh=None, shot=None, name=None, tunit = 'ms', title='EQTOOLS', nbbbs=100): """Generates an EFIT gfile with gfile naming convention Args: obj (eqtools Equilibrium Object): Object which describes the tokamak This functionality is dependent on matplotlib, and is not not retained in for this reason. It is a hidden function which takes an arbitrary equilibrium object and generates a gfile. tin (scalar float): Time of equilibrium to generate the gfile from. This will use the specified spline functionality to do so. Keyword Args: nw (scalar integer): Number of points in R. R is the major radius, and describes the 'width' of the gfile. nh (scalar integer): Number of points in Z. In cylindrical coordinates Z is the height, and nh describes the 'height' of the gfile. shot (scalar integer): The shot numer of the equilibrium. Used to help generate the gfile name if unspecified. name (String): Name of the gfile. If unspecified, will follow standard gfile naming convention (g+shot.time) under current python operating directory. This allows for it to be saved in other directories, etc. tunit (String): Specified unit for tin. It can only be 'ms' for milliseconds or 's' for seconds. title (String): Title of the gfile on the first line. Name cannot exceed 10 digits. This is so that the style of the first line is preserved. nbbbs (scalar integer): Number of points to define the plasma seperatrix within the gfile. The points are defined equally spaced in angle about the plasma center. This will cause the x-point to be poorly defined. Raises: ValueError: If title is longer than 10 characters. Examples: All assume that `Eq_instance` is a valid instance of the appropriate extension of the :py:class:`Equilibrium` abstract class (example shot number of 1001). Generate a gfile at t=0.26s, output of g1001.26:: gfile(Eq_instance,.26) """ if shot is None: shot = obj._shot timeConvertDict = {'ms':1000.,'s':1.} stin = str(int(float(tin)*timeConvertDict[tunit]/timeConvertDict[obj._defaultUnits['_time']])) if name is None: name = 'g'+str(shot)+'.'+stin if nw is None: nw = len(obj.getRGrid()) if nh is None: nh = len(obj.getZGrid()) if len(title) > 10: raise ValueError('title is too long') header = title+ (11-len(title))*' '+ \ time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')+ \ ' '+str(shot)+' '+ stin + tunit header = header + (51-len(header))*' '+ '3 '+str(nw)+' '+str(nh)+'\n' rgrid = scipy.linspace(obj.getRGrid()[0],obj.getRGrid()[-1],nw) zgrid = scipy.linspace(obj.getZGrid()[0],obj.getZGrid()[-1],nh) rgrid2,zgrid2 = scipy.meshgrid(rgrid,zgrid) print(header) gfiler =open(name, 'wb') gfiler.write(header) gfiler.write(_fmt([obj.getRGrid()[-1]-obj.getRGrid()[0], obj.getZGrid()[-1]-obj.getZGrid()[0], obj.getRCentr(), obj.getRGrid()[0], obj.getZGrid()[-1]/2.+obj.getZGrid()[0]/2.])) rcent = obj.getMagRSpline()(tin) zcent = obj.getMagZSpline()(tin) if obj._tricubic: #THIS IS VERY SLOW DUE TO A LIMITATION IN THE INTERP1D FUNCTION psiLCFS = -1*obj.getCurrentSign()*obj._getLCFSPsiSpline()(tin) psi0 = -1*obj.getCurrentSign()*obj._getPsi0Spline()(tin) bcent = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(obj.getTimeBase(), obj.getBCentr(), kind = 'cubic', bounds_error=False) bcent0 = bcent(tin) else: idx = obj._getNearestIdx(tin,obj.getTimeBase()) psiLCFS = obj.getFluxLCFS()[idx] psi0 = obj.getFluxAxis()[idx] bcent0 = obj.getBCentr()[idx] gfiler.write(_fmt([rcent, zcent, psi0, psiLCFS, bcent0])) if obj._tricubic: temp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(obj.getTimeBase(), obj.getIpCalc(), kind='cubic', bounds_error=False) Ip = temp(tin) else: Ip = obj.getIpCalc()[idx] gfiler.write(_fmt([Ip, psi0, 0., rcent, 0.])) gfiler.write(_fmt([zcent, 0., psiLCFS, 0., 0.])) pts0 = scipy.linspace(0.,1.,obj.getRGrid().size) #find original nw pts1 = scipy.linspace(0.,1.,nw) # this needs to be time mapped (sigh) if not obj._tricubic: for i in [obj.getF(), obj.getFluxPres(), obj.getFFPrime(), obj.getPPrime()]: temp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(pts0, scipy.atleast_2d(i)[idx], kind='nearest', bounds_error=False) gfiler.write(_fmt(temp(pts1).ravel())) else: tempt = tin*scipy.ones(pts1.shape) for i in [obj.getF(), obj.getFluxPres(), obj.getFFPrime(), obj.getPPrime()]: temp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(obj.getTimeBase(), pts0, scipy.atleast_2d(i)) gfiler.write(_fmt(temp.ev(tempt,pts1).ravel())) psiRZ = -1*obj.getCurrentSign()*obj.rz2psi(rgrid2, zgrid2, tin) gfiler.write(_fmt(psiRZ.ravel())) #spline with new rz grid if not obj._tricubic: temp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(pts0, scipy.atleast_2d(obj.getQProfile())[idx], kind='nearest', bounds_error=False) gfiler.write(_fmt(temp(pts1).ravel())) else: temp = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(obj.getTimeBase(), pts0, scipy.atleast_2d(obj.getQProfile())) gfiler.write(_fmt(temp.ev(tempt,pts1).ravel())) # find plasma boundary out = _findLCFS(rgrid, zgrid, psiRZ, rcent, zcent, psiLCFS, nbbbs=nbbbs) #write boundary lim = scipy.array(obj.getMachineCrossSection()).T gfiler.write(' '+str(int(len(out)))+' '+str(int(len(lim)))+'\n') gfiler.write(_fmt(out.ravel())) gfiler.write(_fmt(lim.ravel())) gfiler.close()
def _findLCFS(rgrid, zgrid, psiRZ, rcent, zcent, psiLCFS, nbbbs=100): """ internal function for finding the last closed flux surface based off of a Equilibrium instance""" ang = scipy.linspace(-scipy.pi,scipy.pi,nbbbs) plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure() cs = plt.contour(rgrid, zgrid, psiRZ, scipy.atleast_1d(psiLCFS)) splines = [] for i in cs.collections[0].get_paths(): temp = i.vertices # turn points into polar coordinates about the plasma center rvals = scipy.sqrt((temp[:,0] - rcent)**2 + (temp[:,1] - zcent)**2) thetvals = scipy.arctan2(temp[:,1] - zcent,temp[:,0] - rcent) # find all monotonic sections of contour line in r,theta space temp = scipy.diff(thetvals) idx = 0 sign = scipy.sign(temp[0]) for j in xrange(len(temp)-1): if (scipy.sign(temp[j+1]) != sign): sign = scipy.sign(temp[j+1]) #only write data if the jump at the last point is well resolved if (j+2-idx > 2):#abs(thetvals[idx]-thetvals[j+1]) < 7*scipy.pi/4) and plt.plot(thetvals[idx:j+2],rvals[idx:j+2],'o') sortang = scipy.argsort(thetvals[idx:j+2]) splines += [scipy.interpolate.interp1d(thetvals[sortang+idx], rvals[sortang+idx], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=scipy.inf)] idx = j+1 if (len(thetvals) - idx > 2): plt.plot(thetvals[idx:],rvals[idx:],'o') sortang = scipy.argsort(thetvals[idx:]) splines += [scipy.interpolate.interp1d(thetvals[sortang+idx], rvals[sortang+idx], kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=scipy.inf)] # construct a set of angles about the center, and use the splines # to find the closest part of the contour to the center at that # angle, this is the LCFS, store value. If no value is found, store # an infite value, which is then tossed out. outr = scipy.empty((nbbbs,)) for i in xrange(nbbbs): temp = scipy.inf for j in splines: pos = j(ang[i]) if pos < temp: temp = pos outr[i] = temp # remove infinites ang = ang[scipy.isfinite(outr)] outr = outr[scipy.isfinite(outr)] #move back to r,z space output = scipy.empty((2,len(ang) + 1)) output[0,:-1] = outr*scipy.cos(ang) + rcent output[1,:-1] = outr*scipy.sin(ang) + zcent output[0,-1] = output[0,0] output[1,-1] = output[1,0] # turn off plotting stuff plt.ion() plt.clf() plt.close(fig) plt.ioff() return output.T def _fmt(val): """ data formatter for gfiles, which doesnt follow normal conventions...""" try: temp = '0{: 0.8E}'.format(float(val)*10) out =''.join([temp[1],temp[0],temp[3],temp[2],temp[4:]]) except TypeError: out = '' idx = 0 for i in val: out += _fmt(i) idx += 1 if (idx == 5): out+='\n' idx = 0 if (idx != 0): out+='\n' return out